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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月24日 15:18

健康的饮食 healthy bite and sup

每天吃的一日三餐you must have meals thrice on day,一顿也马虎不得and ever meal is important for you. 好习惯可会影响一生呢!you know, good habit is very important that will affect you life! 天气逐渐变凉了立秋后灶哗瞎the day is degrees shade cool down after autumn begins,应顺应时令you should change your appetite is like weather,重视饮食养生之道。recognition bit and sup and preserve your health.

秋天应当少吃一些刺激性强、辛辣、的食品,如尖辣椒等,you shouldn't to eat thrill,acridity's food,it is like capsicum,and so on.应当多吃一些蔬菜、瓜果,如、萝卜、西葫芦、苹果、香芦森蕉隐空等。you should to eat enough vegetables,melon and fruit,it is like radish,marrow,apple,banana,and so on.

这样身体才会越来越健康!!!!!!your body will change better and better.