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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月05日 16:17

for learning history, you should know first that the history studied today is formed by artificial filtering of histrians of different times again and again.
history is not only knowledge,but also general summary of human beings,thus it entails our heart to feel.
history is not only knowledge,but a kind of wisdom.
reading history is the same as watching things now,you won't undertand the current situation without ideas about history.
don't care
竞争存在于各个领域,经济方面、政治方面、文化方面等。竞争越来越激烈,竞争加快了工作和生活的节奏,也使更多的人感到疲惫不堪。但也正是因为有了竞争,才使得整个社会更快速地向前发展。在竞争无处不在的今天,人们已无法躲避,唯一的办法就是增强竞争力。 竞争不是坏事情,只要你积极地参与并融入竞争的环境,你的努力会获得培高更大的回报。


Study history needing to know the history that we see today is to accomplished because historian that time re-organizes the history content fliteration time very once first. Not only history be knowledge , but also be a common human being experience sum, history requires that person goes to experience attentively therefore. History be one kind of knowledge, and be one kind of wisdom not only.Take a look on that history is to look at now in fact; Either know history , or do not know now; The be indifferent to history , right away impossibly deep know now and correct trend is future. The history therefore, studying history , studying, exactly is for the world knowing reality. Society is developing , already very big change happened in reality today compared with history condition.When therefore, we draw history experience and lessons and absorb, conception of history
needing to establish correctly. Don't forget history, because of history give we wisdom;
Not treating history with indifference, otherwise will accept the history punishment; Not
cutting off history, because of denying yesterday , will lose tomorrow also right away.
In modern society, history is not taken seriously by people , the historian also is in awkward position therefore, in society. Even so, the historian has still held the post of the important role of society.I think that the role of historian's society has two kinds: One kind of the role who is a scientist, this is basis of all roles of historian , is to do self's own job well , provide true history of a volume.One kind is the role who is the social life participator , but not spectator's role besides right away. The historian is studying history on one hand , that another aspect also needs to pass creates new history coming what be studied history , he ought to now that the researcher who imitates history can't act as the history creator future. The historian ought to unite this two kinds roles.
One of subject of modern society competing , being. Nowhere is not in , existence all competes for between person and person , between enterprise and enterprise , between the country and the country competition.
Each fields , economy aspect , politics aspect , culture there existing Yu in competition aspect waits. Competing more and more fierce , competes for the rhythm having accelerated the job and life , also makes more people feel exhausted. But also exactly be because of having had competing, only will do entire society develops rapidly more forward.
Today absent in competition nowhere , people already have no way to dodge , unique way is to strengthen competition. Competing is not to spoil a thing, as long as you participate in active and the effort meeting melting to become a member of environment competing , your gains bigger bringing back a report.


first of all,studying history got to know one thing, that our history is actually something being filtered again and again by historians then .

history is not only history, but the combination of all human experiences, that is why you need to understand it by heart. history is a kind of knowledge, as well as a wisdom. so reading history is reading the present. not understanding history is not understanding present; and not knowing present profoundly and going to the future in a correct way. we study and research history in order to know the world nowadays. the society is developing and everything is changing, different from the past. then we have to have a correct historial viewpoint while studying and aborbing history experience.

